The Incomplete works of a Half-blood

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tautograms Trendier than Tautology

                                           A. A. Athens Αθήνα

   Ancient arcane artists and Arcadian army attack Athens. Adept Arcadians aclclimatize alarmingly. Athena aids athenian army, archers are awarded accurate aim. Athens alive again, another aeon Athens, Athena's and Athenians.

                                          An Admirable African

An age ago, African antagonists AKA apartheid, arose at anti-apex african area. All ambitious actual Africans are arrested. African Alcatraz. Africa awaits an activist. 

 After awhile. Amnesty. An acquitted awe-inspiring African altruist arises and alleviates afrikaan's aches. Amalgamating albinos and africans.

                                            Bars. Bands. Bants.

   Billiards, Bingo, Blackjack, Blues. Bohemian bar. Belgian businessmen bring blonde belles but bewitched by big bad black bitches brought by black bonds. Belgians, bolivians best beware ball bubbling brazillian beaux, be billing billions.

   Broadway blues, british ballads, beninoise band bass-drums, basoonists, bagpipists. Babel.

                                          Brighton Battalion

   British battalion besiege black beach. Blue bugles. Bad battlecries. Bahamas betrayed by beloved bethroted brits. Biz bazooka barrage breaks barracks. beta! black battalion blacked-out. beta! black battalion Blacked-out. Beach battlescarred.

   Bereaved bevy begotten by bountiful bahamian bigamists, bleed black blood. Bemused barracuda beseech bizzare bermuda bequeath beasts better base.

                                      Christ, Catechism, Creed

 Cerebrum crowned, Cedar cross carried, Centurion confesses Christ's cleanliness. Christ Cried. 

  Cast-Iron chalice containing crimson contents crosses catholic church. Communion. Catholic chaplains cheat chastisty code, child-abuse. Consequent conclave classic counter catholics create Canteburian cathedral.
  Centuries cross. Creeds, Catechism , Choir choruses. Church crosses continents, conversions, converts. Corruption, church controlling countries, companies, conglomerates. 
 Church clock chimes, Confessional cubicle, Concubine confessions. Church can't comply, constantly contra contraception. 
  Churches, cliche creeds,careerist chaplains, cleavages, chaotic communion. Creator contravened.
Christmas calls, cock crows, clouds clear, Confused children cry, claus's christmas coals.




Anonymous said...

Wow. You are GOOD. Wow

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